Do Guinea Pigs Make Good Pets?

If you’re interested in bringing a new animal home, then guinea pigs are certainly a great choice. They make wonderful pets for almost every type of family! They are incredibly playful, and love to run around and spend as much time in your presence as possible. Guinea pigs are full of character and are guaranteed to brighten every single day.

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A Beginner's Guide to Guinea Pigs

Before bringing any animal into your home, it’s always a good idea to learn about the species typical behaviours and personalities. Guinea pigs are incredibly friendly animals, who greatly enjoy playing with each other and their human friends. They are extremely talkative animals and are always ready to have a conversation, and you will definitely hear them squeaking away any time you approach.

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Are Guinea Pigs Hard to Take Care Of?

As far as domestic animals go, guinea pigs are one of the easier pets to take care of. Their welfare needs are rather minimal in comparison to other common pets. When it comes to the daily husbandry tasks for guinea pigs, there isn’t much to do at all. In many ways, guinea pigs are quite independent and can go about their day with little interaction from you or other people.

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Best Ways to Celebrate Halloween with Your Guinea Pig

We are rapidly approaching the end of the year, and as we creep closer to October, Halloween feels just around the corner. Halloween is a great time for people to dress up, decorate their house with some spooky decorations and take the little ones trick-o-treating. However, who’s to say Halloween is just for humans? Guinea pigs certainly are an animal that can enjoy the holiday too! There are many great ways to include your furry friends in the spooky spirit.

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Behaviour, Diet, Housing, Cost, Keeping Guinea Pigs Abby bridges Behaviour, Diet, Housing, Cost, Keeping Guinea Pigs Abby bridges

5 Reasons Why Guinea Pigs are the Best Pets

Bringing a new animal into your home is a big decision to make, and one that should be given great thought and care. While most people will opt for the typical dog or cat, buying a guinea pig is often not given a second thought. This, I say, is their loss! Guinea pigs can make the perfect pets for a multitude of reasons.

Guinea pigs are medium sized rodents originating from South America and are sometimes referred to as ‘piggies’ or ‘cavies’. They have been popular household pets for centuries, and rightfully so. Guinea pigs have larger than life personalities and light up any room they find themselves in.

There are a limitless list of reasons why guinea pigs make the best pets, and each one will have you frantically searching for ‘guinea pigs near me’, but we have compiled a list of our top 5 reasons to share the love for these animals and show you why they should be the main choice when you’re looking for a new furry friend.

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Behaviour, Keeping Guinea Pigs Abby bridges Behaviour, Keeping Guinea Pigs Abby bridges

Should I Get a Girl or Boy Guinea Pig?

If you’re thinking of adding a guinea pig to your life, it’s important to consider all the factors when preparing for them. While both female and male guinea pigs can be delightful pets, it’s always wise to understand the differences between them, and there may be a particular sex that would be better suited to your lifestyle. Here, we discuss all the great things related to both male and female piggies to provide you with better insight as to which may be better for you.

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Caring for Guinea Pigs, Keeping Guinea Pigs Abby bridges Caring for Guinea Pigs, Keeping Guinea Pigs Abby bridges

How to Hold a Guinea Pig

Getting your piggies familiar with being held will be highly beneficial throughout their lives. Many instances could require you to pick them up and carry them, and ensuring they are happy and comfortable with it will make both of your lives easier.

While guinea pigs mainly handle their grooming, there will be times when you need to trim their nails and bath them. These situations alone can be stressful for a piggy, so removing the fear factor of being held will make it a little less worrisome.

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Are Guinea Pigs Good Pets for Children?

Any type of animal is huge amount of responsibility, especially for a child. Guinea pigs are great animals and make wonderful companions. They may offer ample opportunities to teach children about responsibility and care.

It’s also crucial to consider the fact that children, especially younger children, aren’t capable enough to be in charge the guinea pig care. UK law states that no one under the age of 16 can be responsible for the care of an animal, their day-to-day husbandry will fall onto the parent or any adults in the home.

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Is It Cruel to Keep Guinea Pigs Outdoors?

It’s not cruel to keep your guinea pigs outside. Guinea pigs can live long and healthy lives outside if they are provided the right necessities and luxuries. Just as an indoor guinea pig, their quality of life falls on how well you can provide for them. With the right guinea pig outdoor cage, food and enrichment, they will be more than happy to spend their days outside.

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Housing, Keeping Guinea Pigs, Cages, Habitat Abby bridges Housing, Keeping Guinea Pigs, Cages, Habitat Abby bridges

Is It Cruel to Have One Guinea Pig?

Guinea Pigs are very social animals. They’re a prey species, and in the wild would live in large colonies to help protect one another and make sure resources stay abundant. If you were to keep a single guinea pig, it wouldn’t be able to find comfort within its home. It can lead them to becoming depressed or developing health issues in relation to stress.

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